Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Nine Portuguese designers will be presented in a show at the Lisbon Fashion Week, from 14 to 19 February, sponsored by the British Council, British Fashion Council and the Portuguese Embassy at London.  

Theatrical, edgy and in-your-face, Portugal’s freshest creative minds continue to surprise as worldwide recognition of their talents grows. This year an inspired selection from new designers will give visitors a sense of not only the definitive Portuguese style, but also an exclusive window on the rising talents pushing it ever forward.

From recently-established brands to current fashion students, this show’s expanse of styles and materials, ranging from womenswear and knitwear to print design and millinery, will further assure the world of Portugal’s fashion prowess. The designers featured are: Janis Dellarte, Valentim Quaresma, Ana Margarida Serpa da Silva, António Vaz, Fernando Domingues, João Pedro Filipe, Catarina Ferreira, Cláudia Garrido and Ana Lebasi.

More information HERE.

Nove designers portugueses vão estar presentes num evento de moda ligado à London Fashion Week patrocionado pela Embaixada de Portugal em Londres, de 14 a 19 de Fevereiro, numa iniciativa do British Council e British Fashion Council. Os designers presentes serão Janis Dellarte, Valentim Quaresma, Ana Margarida Serpa da Silva, António Vaz, Fernando Domingues, João Pedro Filipe, Catarina Ferreira, Cláudia Garrido e Ana Lebasí.

Das mais recentes marcas portuguesas a actuais estudantes de moda, este evento pretende cobrir uma diversidade de estilos e materiais, desde roupa de senhora e malhas a estampagens e tecnicas milenares, pretendendo demonstrar o que de melhor se passa na moda portuguesa, assim como os talentos  mais promissores.

Mais informações AQUI.

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